

Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party's campaign for a Yes vote in the independence referendum, is urging voters in the Tranent area to take part in a question and answer session with Patrick Harvie MSP.

The event, organised by Yes East Lothian, will be held in the Loch Centre this Thursday (21 August) at 7pm, and also features Yes Scotland chairman Dennis Canavan.

Patrick Harvie MSP, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, said:

"The referendum debate has sparked a revival of public engagement in politics and I'm looking forward to hearing from voters in Tranent. The opportunity we have in September goes way beyond just making more decisions in Scotland - it's a chance to repair a broken political system and ensure that the values of social justice and equality are never again trashed by a Government like the one currently destroying the welfare state in the UK.

"I'd urge voters in Tranent to think carefully about Labour's argument that the UK pools and shares resources, when we have children in poverty and families relying on food banks. During Labour's years in power the wealthiest managed to grab an ever bigger share of national wealth. Even today their business spokesperson seems to think the party should be focused on helping a tiny minority to become millionaires.

"On social justice it's clear that Westminster has failed. Independence is a chance for Scotland to show a different way is possible. Those who are unsure deserve to hear a wide range of perspectives as they reach a judgement on this hugely important vote."

More information about the Green Yes campaign.