
Toxic mix of tax breaks for corporations and benefit cuts for vulnerable show "contemptible" Tory priorities

The Scottish Greens have warned that the Tories are causing the worst social crisis for generation, with reports that Universal Credit and other benefits will see a real-terms cut in the months ahead. This follows the decision to reduce benefits for people doing part-time work.

The Scottish Greens social security spokesperson, Maggie Chapman said:

"Not content with tanking the pound, hammering an already broken housing market and plunging hundreds of thousands of people into poverty with cuts, the Tories are doubling down on the same cruel policies that have already done so much damage.

"To inflict cuts on many of the most vulnerable people is appalling at any time, but to do it in order to fund tax breaks for some of the world's wealthiest people and companies is contemptible. It will only fuel the social emergency that is being inflicted.

"Every Tory who supports last month's budget and these cuts is going to knowingly impoverish many of their constituents in order to win even more support from the kind of millionaires that already bankroll their party.

"This year, with Scottish Greens in Government, we raised the benefits that we have control over in-line with inflation and mitigated the cruel benefit cap. We have complemented this by doubling the Scottish Child Payment and introducing free bus travel for young people, and we’ll introduce emergency legislation for a rent freeze for tenants this week.

“These vital changes stand in stark contrast to the warped priorities and toxic cuts being done by Downing Street.”