Tory MSP seeks amendment to transport bill for his own car
Motoring enthusiast and Tory MSP Murdo Fraser has lodged an amendment to the Transport Bill which would exclude his own classic car from low emission zone legislation.
Mr Fraser’s amendment would provide an exemption for cars over constructed over 30 years ago despite the far greater emissions from older vehicles. [2]
Tackling emissions from petrol and diesel powered vehicles is a key part of reducing air pollution and addressing the climate emergency.
A recent report from UK Committee on Climate Change (CCC) said we should aim to fully switch over to electric vehicles by 2030, and no later than 2035. CCC Chair, Chris Stark, described the UK Government’s current target of 2040 as “indefensible”. [3]
Green Environment Spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP said:
“Low Emission Zones have the potential to massively improve the air quality in our towns and cities, while moving away from petrol and diesel powered vehicles more broadly is vital in addressing the climate emergency. Like his car, Mr Fraser’s amendment belongs in a museum.”