
Tory confidence vote a cynical and shameless political stunt

The Tory plan to lodge a confidence vote in Lorna Slater is a cynical and desperate political stunt.

Lodging a no confidence vote against Lorna Slater is a “cynical and shameless political stunt” by a “desperate and disgraced” Tory Party that is trying to distract from its many shortcomings, say the Scottish Greens.

The Party’s co-leader, Patrick Harvie MSP, has slammed the Tories saying that only they would have the “audacity” to move a confidence motion in the leader of another party on the same evening that MPs were voting to seal the fate of their lying, duplicitous and shamed former Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Mr Harvie said:

“This is a cynical and shameless political stunt by an increasingly desperate and disgraced Tory Party that has purposely sabotaged the Deposit Return Scheme that they themselves voted for and that was on the brink of going live. This is a clear attempt to distract from their many failings.

“Lorna has been at the forefront of delivering a fairer, greener and better Scotland. She has overseen a record investment in wildlife and nature, an end to new incineration and a ban on the worst single-use plastics. She always puts Scotland first. 

“I am proud to work with Lorna in her capacity as a party co-leader and as a Minister. The politics that she represents are everything that the Tories rail against, so it is no wonder that they are attacking her in the spiteful, and often misogynistic way they have done for months.

“Only the Tories would have the audacity to move a motion of no confidence in the leader of another party on the very same evening that MPs were voting to seal the fate of their lying, duplicitous and shamed former Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

“Do they really think they can divert attention away from the partygate scandal that easily, even as a video is still trending online from their Christmas celebrations at Tory HQ, taken while people were unable to say a proper goodbye to loved ones?

“Their cynical, repugnant attempts to con the public into ignoring the blue on blue in-fighting within the Tory party which is ripping apart this scandal-hit, dysfunctional Westminster government in its dying days will not work. 

“This is the last act of a discredited Tory party hell bent on burning down the house before they are shown the door. The Scottish Green Party will never give in to their shameless attempts to undermine democracy in Scotland.”