

Scottish Greens are welcoming yet another Holyrood poll suggesting the party is on course to secure a much bigger group of MSPs in the 2016 election.

The TNS survey has the Scottish Greens on 8 per cent on the regional vote, which suggests 9 MSPs.

Polls have consistently placed the party between 8 and 13 per cent, suggesting Green MSPs will be elected across each of the 8 parliamentary regions.

The party, whose membership now numbers 9,000, has already selected its lead candidates for all 8 regions, including MSPs Patrick Harvie (Glasgow), Alison Johnstone (Lothian) and John Finnie (Highlands and Islands). Patrick Harvie will also contest the Glasgow Kelvin constituency.

Patrick said:

"Consistent polling, along with our surging membership and an excellent field of candidates means we're in a strong position to elect many more Green MSPs to represent Scotland's communities. It's clear that Scotland faces challenges around education, health, policing and jobs, and it's never been more important for Holyrood to have a progressive opposition putting forward constructive solutions.

"While Labour continues to tear itself apart, Scottish Greens are engaging in local communities and we're finding people are open to our big ideas on jobs and the economy. We have real strengths in the parliament we want to build on. Alison Johnstone has led the way on opposition to unconventional gas extraction and support for energy efficient housing, while also winning football fans the right to buy their clubs. And John Finnie brought the whole issue of armed policing to the fore.

"Scottish Greens have been a clear voice on so many issues, and we are ready to step up to a bigger role."


Scottish Greens' regional candidates for 2016

TNS poll, 10 August