
Third year of missed climate targets shows need for step change

Scotland has missed Scottish Government climate emissions reductions targets for the third year in a row, and the Scottish Greens have warned this reveals a step-change in policy is needed before it is too late.

While source emissions dropped slightly in 2019, that is only because 2018 figures have been revised upwards. Transport emissions remains by far the biggest contributor to Scotland failing to meet its targets, with agriculture and other land use also playing a major part.

Commenting, Scottish Greens environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell said:

“These latest stats show that Scotland is not cutting emissions fast enough to meet our international obligations. While we have seen some progress in renewable energy, emissions from Transport have seen no reduction at all, while emissions from land use has actually gone up.

“This is the third year in a row where Scotland has missed our emissions targets, and the Scottish Government need to wake up to the urgency required. Forests and peatlands are natural carbon sinks, and we are not protecting our wild places enough or supporting farmers to lower emissions. If governments are serious about traffic reduction then there must be a safe return to public transport in the months ahead with longer term investment to switch from roadbuilding to public transport and safer streets for walking and cycling.”

“There must be a step change in Scotland’s policies to cut emissions, before it becomes irreversible.”