
The best chance for our children’s prospects is for Scotland to take full responsibility

The EIS has launched a manifesto for the independence referendum.

Responding, Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and education spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, said:

“I believe the best chance for our children’s prospects and for public sector workers such as those in schools and colleges is for Scotland to take full responsibility. We need to build a different kind of economy that prioritises equality, and broadens the definition of success beyond GDP growth.

“A Yes vote gives those of us who have that vision the opportunity to push for it. Just this week Greens led a debate at Holyrood on the need to look at ideas such as maximum wage ratios to close the gap between rich and poor, a debate that gathered support from across the political divide.

“The EIS is right to ask which option on the ballot paper in September is more likely to deliver a more equal and successful society. Education is already a devolved responsibility and I have consistently challenged the current Scottish Government over its choices on college funding and public sector pay. But these choices are against a bigger backdrop of harsh cuts from Westminster pushing children into poverty.”