
Supporting business growth - business that is fair

Responding to comments by Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of Scottish Chambers of Commerce, that Holyrood's new financial powers should be used to support business growth, Patrick Harvie, economy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, said:


"There is an urgent need to plan for new, lasting jobs and Scottish Greens have done the ground work with our Jobs in the New Economy report.


"I agree we should encourage business growth but it must be business that is fair, that pays a living wage. Above all we must encourage greater diversity in Scotland's economy to provide resilience and we must invest in the transferrable skills our workforce needs."


And responding to comments by Tory leader Ruth Davidson who said: "My opponents in this campaign are only focusing on how much extra they can take out of workers' paypackets," Mr Harvie said:


"Greens have set out very clear plans to cut tax for those on lower than average incomes so we reduce inequality in our society, something the Tories clearly have no interest in doing."