
Sunday Herald position echoes our bolder Holyrood, better Scotland message

The Scottish Greens today (1 May) welcomed an editorial in the Sunday Herald newspaper, in which the paper says it wants a parliament with Green voices "strengthened", helping push the government "from a progressive position."

The paper also highlights the SNP's "conservative" use of Holyrood's new tax powers. Under the Scottish Greens' proposals, everyone earning less than £26,500 would get to keep more of what they earn, while higher earners would be expected to contribute a fairer share.

The Scottish Greens, led by Maggie Chapman and Patrick Harvie, have been polling strongly on the regional vote, with analysis suggesting Green MSPs will be elected from across the eight electoral regions on Thursday. 

Maggie Chapman, MSP candidate for the North East, said:

"The Sunday Herald's position is good news for our campaign for a bolder Holyrood and a better Scotland. We have record numbers of activists out campaigning across the country, voters appreciate our radical message, and the polling trend on the regional vote is positive.

"The Sunday Herald were bold in coming out in support of an independent Scotland before the referendum, and have earned a reputation for providing journalistic scrutiny and reflection. We hope by being ambitious for a fairer Scotland, Greens can play a bigger part in the direction our country takes over the coming years."

Patrick Harvie, MSP candidate for Glasgow, said:

"During the independence referendum Greens put forward a distinct case for an independent Scotland. We believe Scotland will ask itself the question again and Greens are committed to building the case to ensure a positive result.

"Until then it is vital that progressive forces prevail at Holyrood. In the last session of parliament Labour simply berated everything the SNP did in government, whereas Greens engaged with the issues, challenged robustly and found common ground to make progress where possible. The Sunday Herald finds the other opposition parties wanting and sets out the reasons why many voters are giving their regional votes to the Greens.

"The voters we are meeting are telling us they want bolder action from what is now a mature Scottish Parliament. With a stronger group of Green MSPs, they won't be disappointed."