

The Scottish Greens are welcoming a full poll of Westminster voting intentions in Scotland, showing the party on 6 per cent, level-pegging with the Lib Dems.

It comes on the back of the Green membership surge, with the party now having over 7,000 members compared to just under 2,000 before the referendum.

The 6 per cent figure from Ipsos Mori echoes recent UK-wide polls putting the Greens level or ahead of the Lib Dems.

In May's European election the Scottish Greens finished ahead of the Lib Dems, beating them in 21 of Scotland's 32 local authority areas.

Scottish Greens co-convenor Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"This poll bodes well for our Westminster campaign. We are absolutely determined to get a Green MP for Scotland and are gearing up to get our message out.

"It goes to show how wrong the UK broadcasters would be to continue excluding Greens from high profile debates.

"Holyrood is increasingly the focus of Scottish politics but whatever form of devolution comes next Westminster will remain hugely important, and it's essential that a Scottish Green voice is heard.

"The Lib Dems will pay the price of their austerity cheerleading, and I look forward to our burgeoning Green branches around Scotland putting forward candidates who will champion progressive policies on wages, the economy and our democracy."


The Labour Party in Scotland would face political annihilation if there was a general election tomorrow, according to a poll commissioned by STV

The latest YouGov survey for the Sun has the Greens (7%) ahead of the Liberal Democrats (6%) in voting intention