


Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party’s campaign for a Yes vote in the independence referendum, is welcoming comments by the First Minister during tonight’s STV debate on the opportunity to create a more just society.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood’s economy committee, said:

“None of the arguments was new to those of us who’ve been on the campaign trail for the past two years but so many people are only now switching on. Alex Salmond highlighted the opportunity to end austerity and improve our democracy. I was also pleased to hear the First Minister highlight the opportunity we have to adopt a more welcoming immigration policy, retaining skilled workers instead of kicking them out as the three big UK parties would have us do.

“Alistair Darling - my MP - highlighted what he called the risks of independence, failing to acknowledge that a No vote also contains risks. He kept referring to strength and security, which probably sounds attractive if you’re well off but is simply meaningless if you’re one of the many Scots struggling to make ends meet.

“As our political system demands a winner and a loser we have an adversarial debate that isn't best suited to those seeking information. I hope we hear a wider range of voices and visions over the remaining six weeks.”


Green Yes: