South of Scotland Greens activist: Isla Aitken writes for Common Space

East Lothian branch activist and environmental campaigner Isla Aitken lays out some of the detail around unconventional gas extraction and fracking in today's edition of Common Space
"WHEN it comes to unconventional gas extraction, there is the inevitable spin from the frackers and their buddies. And there is perhaps an element of scaremongering from those who are vehemently opposed to the process.
But in between the two extremes, there are some incontestable truths from academics and scientists about the polluting aspects of unconventional gas extraction (UGE) If you do your research, you can find these truths. Helen Redmond, a physician with the New South Wales chapter of Doctors for the Environment, cited rising complaints of rashes, nausea, headaches and nose bleeds among people living close to the Tara gas fields, in Queensland, Australia."