
SNP manifesto cautious when this is a time for boldness

Responding to publication of the SNP manifesto, Scottish Greens co-convener Patrick Harvie said:


"This election is about what kind of parliament we want for the next five years. Do we want a parliament dominated by a cautious government and its unquestioning cheerleaders? Of course we don't. Governments are at their best when they are under constructive pressure, and the Scottish Greens have shown we can bring that pressure to bear where it counts,  on everything from fracking and land reform to rent controls and fan ownership of football.


"The SNP manifesto keeps them on the same cautious path, when this is a time for boldness. Standardised testing and a tax break for aviation aren't in any way justified, and the ambiguous position on fracking will cause real concern in communities at risk. A Warm Homes Bill follows years of Green pressure, but comes at a time when the SNP have cut fuel poverty funding. And on tax it is clear that only the Scottish Greens' plans will close the inequality gap, protect public services and give local councils real control.


"The only way to ensure we have a bolder Holyrood with high ambitions for jobs in lasting industries, for investment in social care, housing and young people, is by voting Green. As Labour continue their decline there is an urgent need for principled, progressive voices in parliament and a strong group of Green MSPs would make a huge difference to our parliament and the direction it takes."