
Snaring review maintains outdated and inhumane traditions

Scottish Green MSPs are urging Scottish Ministers to rethink their response to a review of animal snaring after they failed to support a complete ban on the cruel and unnecessary devices.

A review by Scottish Natural Heritage, published today, looked at how snaring of mammals and birds has been carried out and makes recommendations to change the regulations but the review did not consider the option of a ban.

Green MSPs support the view of animal welfare experts who want to see snaring banned in Scotland on ethical grounds, as they trap and kill wildlife including badgers and otters, and pet cats and dogs. 

Mark Ruskell MSP, Environment spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, said:

"This review does nothing other than maintain outdated and inhumane traditions. We need to be moving from a regulatory regime to an outright ban in the interests of animal welfare.

"Today's response from Scottish Ministers appears to be yet another decision where they have listening more to organisations that want to persecute animals than those who have their welfare at heart."

Alison Johnstone MSP, vice-convener of Holyrood's cross-party group on animal welfare, said:

"Snaring causes indiscriminate killing and is hard to monitor. Banning it outright would mean no need for this flawed and barbaric practice. Scottish Ministers must rethink their response."