
Snare ban vote a huge step forward for animal rights

Snares are cruel and have no place in a modern Scotland.

A ban on snares is a huge step forward for Scotland’s iconic wildlife and a massive victory for the animal right campaigners who have long called for it, says the Scottish Greens rural affairs spokesperson, Ariane Burgess.

Ms Burgess was commenting as the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs and Islands Committee voted to support a ban on the cruel practice, which will now be added to the Scottish Government's Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill.

MSPs from all parties except the Tories voted to support the ban.

Ms Burgess said: “This vote is a huge step forward for Scotland’s iconic wildlife and a massive victory for the animal rights campaigners who have long called for it.”

“The overwhelming evidence that we heard from the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission and others is that the harm caused by snares cannot be mitigated. 

“An animal caught in a snare is injured and highly stressed, exposed to the elements and other predators, denied food and water. And, of course, snares are completely indiscriminate, and are as capable of trapping a protected species as they are a pet cat. 

“A ban on snares is a mark of the high regard this country has for its iconic wildlife and will make this a stronger and better bill for our wildlife and nature.

“This is a massive win for campaigners who have fought for years to see this day. Each and every one of them should be very proud of this incredible achievement.”