

Kirsten Robb, youth employment spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP candidate for Central Scotland, today welcomed a report by the Federation of Small Businesses which shows that more firms could easily become involved with local secondary schools in an effort to reduce youth unemployment and boost pay for young people.
The research, called ‘School ties: Transforming Small Business Engagement with Schools’, asks head teachers and Scottish Government Ministers to make it easier for firms to get involved.
Kirsten said:
"Many small businesses are already embedded in their local communities, providing opportunities and inspiration for young people to get into the workplace. But with many young people experiencing low pay and poor employment conditions, we need to do more to ensure they get the brighter future they deserve.
"With more help for small businesses to make connections with schools, our young people and our local businesses will reap the rewards. The Scottish Greens will move public money towards businesses that provide decent work and a living wage and provide a Scotland Guarantee of a job, training or education for every school-leaver."
Kirsten Robb is due to speak alongside Scottish Greens Co-convener Patrick Harvie MSP at an event in East Kilbride later this month on the subject of "Jobs and the New Economy". Details are online at