
Shocking climate report underlines urgent need to end Rosebank exploration

The scale of the climate crisis we face underlines the urgent need to halt new oil and gas exploration.

The shocking new report from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) underlines the urgent need to end new oil and gas exploration, say the Scottish Greens.

Yet, while the world is burning there are climate wrecking governments, like the UK, who are planning for even more drilling. 

With a decision on the Rosebank oil field imminent, the Scottish Greens environment spokesperson, Mark Ruskell has challenged the Prime Minister to look young people in the eye while he tries to justify the climate chaos it would cause.

The WMO’s groundbreaking report, published yesterday, shows that there's now a 66% chance we will pass the 1.5C global warming threshold between now and 2027.

The Scottish Greens climate spokesperson, Mark Ruskell MSP, said:

"This is even worse than we thought. This shocking report underlines the need for urgent, transformative and global climate action. 

“With temperatures and seas rising we have no time to waste, anything else would be a total abdication of our responsibility to future generations and would consign millions to an early grave.

“We need a dramatic shift away from the reckless and dangerous policies that have brought us to this point.  Yet, even while we are right on the edge of disaster, climate wrecking governments like the one in Downing Street are pushing for even more oil and gas exploration.

“The decision on the Rosebank oil field is imminent. I challenge the PM to look young people in the eye while he tries to justify the 500 million barrels that it would ensure. It would mean climate chaos.

"With a ban on new incineration, a ground-breaking just transition fund and action to introduce free bus travel and curb train fares, Scotland is leading the UK, and we need to go even further.

“That means building on our successes, but it also means securing the powers of a normal independent country rather than being at the mercy of a Tory government that has shown a total disregard for our environment."

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