
Sharma elevation offers little hope for climate action

Almost a year since Alok Sharma was given responsibility for the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, his elevation from part-time front man to full time president offers little hope for those hoping to see meaningful climate action delivered, Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie MSP has said.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

“The decision to put the COP26 summit into the hands of Alok Sharma, a free market fundamentalist who has repeatedly voted against climate action and backed climate-wrecking policies like Heathrow expansion, always gave cause for concern.

“His elevation from part-time front man to full time president does little to change my opinion that Boris Johnson’s government see this conference as an opportunity to sell UK plc, rather than a moment to face the need for deep economic change in the face of the global emergency.

“One significant difference from a year ago, when he was first appointed, is that there is an incoming US. administration that has committed itself to significant climate action.

“Joe Biden’s victory, and his commitment to re-joining the Paris agreement and going further is encouraging.

“It’s clear that if Glasgow is to deliver the bold action that is so desperately needed, progressive voices from around the globe will need to push the UK Government beyond its business as usual comfort zone.”