
#SGPConf: Chapman says Greens now on a quest

Scottish Green Party co-convener Maggie Chapman has challenged the Scottish Government to once again ‘nick’ her party’s policies and include them in the next Programme for Government.

Speaking at the Scottish Green Party’s autumn conference in Edinburgh, Maggie Chapman told members that the Scottish Greens were now on a “quest” and reminded them of their ABCs – “abolish alienation, build belonging and create communities”.

Chapman went on to say that Greens are now at the forefront of campaigning for an economy that works for all and does not “bleed the environment dry”.

Maggie Chapman said:

“For years, Green councillors and MSPs have called for socially owned energy companies. I’m delighted that the Scottish Government has decided that this is possible after all. I’m only sorry the people of Edinburgh have had to wait ten years for the ability to buy not for profit energy, since we first proposed it.

“Similarly, we have argued for a national investment bank to support the kind of socially transformative changes such as those to community renewable energy. And we have been campaigning to bring our railways back into public ownership for years. Finally, it looks as though we might be getting somewhere on this.

“At first they laughed at us. Then they fought us. Then they put it in the Programme for Government. Nicola, there are plenty of other good ideas in our manifesto - feel free to nick them too!”