
Scottish Greens will oppose new oil and gas exploration at every turn

Mark Ruskell MSP, the party's climate spokesperson, lays out its position on Rosebank and other new North Sea extraction projects.

The Scottish Greens have condemned the UK Government’s doubling down on new oil and gas exploration as “self-destruction” and vowed to fight new developments at every turn.

They view plans to give the go-ahead to the Rosebank development in the North Sea as a betrayal of future generations, and insist a presumption against fossil fuels as part of a phasing out of existing sites is the only rational way forward.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is expected to announce a go ahead for Rosebank which, with an estimated 500m barrels of oil, would emit 200m tonnes of CO2, while developers would receive an estimated £3.75m in tax breaks to do so. 

Scottish Greens environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP said:

“The Scottish Greens condemn the proposed Rosebank development in the strongest terms. As a party we will oppose the self-destruction of approving any new oil and gas development at every turn.

“That’s why we ensured the Scottish Government’s draft energy strategy includes a presumption against no new oil and gas fields in the North Sea. 

“Not only would approving Rosebank fly in the face of international commitments on tackling the climate crisis, it would set a very dangerous precedent by potentially encouraging other nations to do the same. It would be an ecological disaster.

“That is why the Scottish Greens will continue to demand a presumption against all new oil and gas developments and advocate for a phasing out of existing developments in line with energy needs and an acceleration of a renewables led just transition.

“The transition isn’t only vital for our climate, but also for our economy. We can create thousands of new and high quality jobs and, with Scottish Greens in government, we are already making big steps towards doing so. 

“Our duty is to the people, the ones who put us here, and to future generations. Unless we take a stand, if we are not the ones who say enough is enough, then who will?” 


More in End Fossil Fuels