
Scottish Greens: The people of Scotland must have their say   

The Scottish Green Party will contest the next UK general election as a de-facto independence referendum, if all avenues to hold a legal referendum are blocked, the party said today.  

At a meeting of the party’s national council this afternoon it was determined that if such a scenario comes to pass the party will aim to stand candidates in every constituency in Scotland, putting the Green case for independence to every voter in Scotland.  

Commenting, Scottish Green Party co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater said:  

“The people of Scotland have repeatedly returned pro independence majorities to Holyrood and Westminster. They must have their say.  

“Our preference is still for a referendum to take place in October 2023. Should that prove impossible, then we will contest the next UK General Election as a de-facto referendum.  

“In that circumstance we want to put the unique Green case for independence to every voter in Scotland. And every vote cast on that basis will count as a vote for Scotland to become a Green and independent country.”