
Scottish Greens Statement on Greece

In reaction to the unfolding events in Greece Maggie Chapman Co-Convenor of the Scottish Green Party said:

"We are in the midst of a crisis caused by the rich. The great economic challenge of our time is ending their power to punish the rest of us for a crisis we did not cause. Austerity is the mechanism they use and the place that has borne the brunt of austerity more than anywhere is Greece.

We know austerity is doomed to fail, but in that failure it will only extend the economic pain felt by the most vulnerable people in society. All around Europe we must stand with the people of Greece in their stand against austerity, for a decent future and for democracy.

The election of an anti-austerity SYRIZA led government in January was a clear signal that the people of Greece have rejected austerity. Greece's creditors, represented by the so-called Institutions - the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund - are trying to subvert that democracy. Their actions have been counterproductive and destructive. After 5 and a half years of brutal austerity Greek debt is higher, while the Greek people have suffered untold harm.

As a democratic party and a party opposed to austerity the Scottish Greens stand with the people of Greece. As Co-Convener of the Scottish Greens I stand in solidarity with my SYRIZA & Ecologist Greens comrades in the the Greek Government as they lead Europe's opposition to austerity. We call on the Scottish and UK Governments to intervene with the Institutions to secure the substantial restructuring of Greece's debts and an end to austerity."