
Scottish Greens over the moon about first Green MP

For immediate release 7 May 2010

The Scottish Green Party today welcomed Caroline Lucas's historic victory in Brighton Pavilion, giving the Greens their long-awaited Westminster breakthrough.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"This changes everything, and the whole party will be over the moon to see Caroline Lucas's triumph in Brighton tonight. Westminster was always going to be the toughest nut to crack, and Caroline has made an extraordinary breakthrough. Westminster will now have a real voice speaking out against the cuts to public services, for equality and for a greener and more sustainable economy.

"I was privileged to join Caroline on the doorsteps of Brighton during the campaign, and I look forward to welcoming her to Scotland as we start work toward next year's Holyrood election. This gives us an excellent platform for next year's Holyrood campaign, and there is no doubt in my mind that the the future is truly Green."

The result in Brighton Pavilion was as follows:
Caroline Lucas, Green: 16,238 (31.3%)
Nancy Platts, Labour: 14,986 (28.9%)
Charlotte Vere, Conservative: 12,275 (23.7%)
Bernadette Millam, Liberal Democrat: 7,159 (13.8%)