

John Finnie MSP, Justice spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today again challenged the Cabinet Secretary for Justice Michael Matheson on a piece of legislation which would grant the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, its staff and premises privileges and immunities from prosecution for any of its operations in Scotland.John Finnie_small

Following a request from the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee on the 27th October for additional information the Cabinet Secretary brought the International Organisations (Immunities and Privileges) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015 back to the Justice Committee for its consideration this morning.

Following a committee debate on the draft order a vote was held and the Committee voted 8-1 to approve the draft order.

Commenting after the Justice Committee, John Finnie MSP said:

“I find it incredulous that the Cabinet Secretary would ask the Scottish Parliament to approve an order to allow an institution, its staff and premises immunity from prosecution. That to me is not the new politics that the Scottish Parliament was supposed to be about.

“The blasé approach of the Cabinet Secretary for Justice seemed to suggest to me that he more keen to show that Scotland, whether as part of the UK or a future independent Scotland, is open for banking as usual regardless of the nature or scale of any crimes they may commit and that they need not fear prosecution.

“I would have thought that a Cabinet Secretary for Justice would better commending the prevention of crimes, not the evasion of crimes."

The Scottish Green Party will again oppose this draft order when it is brought before the parliament for a vote.