
Scottish Greens criticise ‘dangerous’ fossil fuels remarks by COP host

If we want a liveable future we must phase out fossil fuels.

The world must listen to science and unite urgently for the phasing out of fossil fuels, says Scottish Greens climate spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP, who branded remarks by COP28`s host that appeared to argue the opposite as ‘dangerous.’ 

The warning comes after COP28 President, Sultan Al Jaber is claimed to have insisted there is “no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C.”

That is in stark contrast to the aims of the Paris Agreement, and has drawn intense criticisms from environmental campaigners and the scientific community. 

Mr Ruskell said: “For the President of COP to say something so at odds with basic climate science is not just hugely concerning, it is dangerous. 

“If future generations are to have any kind of sustainable and liveable future then we need to urgently phase-out fossil fuels and make the generation-defining investment in renewables that is so urgent.

“If this year’s COP sees leaders failing to agree to this utterly basic and essential step then it will be yet another failure, a failure that our world can’t afford for us to make.

“We know what a failure to shift away from oil and gas would look like, it would mean more floods, more droughts and more extreme weather.

“World leaders must show the courage to stand against the COP hosts and the polluters, and make the changes that science demands.”

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