
Scottish Greens call for Scotland to join Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance

The Scottish Greens have called for Scotland to join the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance, an international alliance of governments and other stakeholders who are working together to facilitate a transition away from oil and gas production. 

The 8 core members of the alliance are Denmark, Costa Rica, France, Greenland, Ireland, Quebec, Sweden and Wales, with associate members including California, New Zealand and Portugal.

The issue was raised at First Minister’s Questions by the Scottish Greens environment spokesperson, Mark Ruskell MSP, who urged the First Minister to join the alliance, saying “when small nation states work together they can lead the world on climate justice.”

Speaking after FMQs, Mark Ruskell MSP said: 

“When small nation states work together they can lead the world on climate justice. 

“By joining the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance we can work with governments like the ones in Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand and Ireland and others, and ensure that we are moving forward together.

“The UK government has shown a total disregard for our environment and is expanding fossil fuel exploration at a time when we are seeing soaring temperatures and the brutal impact of the climate emergency.

“This makes it all the more important that Scotland takes its seat at the table and a leading role in ensuring a fair and fast transition away from fossil fuels.

“With Greens in the Scottish Government, we have led the change in the UK, with bold and ambitious investment in renewables, recycling and nature, a ban on new incineration and a clear position on ending new coal extraction.

“I hope that Scotland can join the alliance and demonstrate the global leadership that has been desperately lacking on oil and gas transition.”