
Scottish Greens back striking workers over day of action

Scottish Greens say the rights of workers to strike must be defended against the UK’s slide towards authoritarianism, and have called on trade unions to “stand tall together” against the Tory government next week. 

They warned draconian laws targeted at strike busting being introduced at Westminster were a further erosion of democracy under the Tories, and are part of a sustained attack on workers’ and human rights. 

The Scottish Greens have pledged they will stand in solidarity with striking workers for Wednesday’s national day of action. 

All the party’s MSPs and staff will refuse to cross virtual or physical picket lines by not participating in any parliamentary business on Feb 1.

Parliamentary staff, who are represented by the PCS Union at Holyrood, will be among those taking action on Wednesday. Scottish Green MSPs are expected to join protests on the day to further demonstrate their support. 

Maggie Chapman MSP said:

“Scottish Green MSPs will not take part in parliamentary business on Wednesday in solidarity with striking workers. 

“We are clear that we will not cross any virtual or physical picket lines, and hope that others will join us in that.

“The very rights of the trade union members to strike are under direct attack by the Tory government at Westminster.

“Everyone who recognises the vital work that Unions have done to support us all should oppose this dangerous and anti-democratic slide towards authoritarianism and stand with striking workers.” 

“As parliamentarians, we have a duty to defend those rights. We call on all trade union activists and others to stand tall together against this brutal assault on working people right across the country.”