
Scottish Greens back climate target call

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland handed over a giant postcard to MSPs demanding stronger targets and action in the Climate Change Bill, which goes to final vote on Wednesday 25 September.

Scottish Green envrionment spokesperson Mark Ruskell has lodged a number of amendments to the bill.

Responding to the call from Stop Climate Chaos and others, Mark Ruskell said: 

“I welcome this call from civil society to ramp up climate action now by increasing our target for emission cuts by 2030. I will be lodging an amendment to the Climate Bill to achieve this and call on all MSPs to support it when it comes to a vote later this month.”

“Last year climate scientists warned we have just a decade to avert climate breakdown. Action is needed now, which is why the Scottish Greens have been pushing the Scottish Government to work with us to deliver a Scottish Green New Deal to transform our economy.

“The programme for government saw Nicola Sturgeon adopt our language around a Green New Deal, but she has yet to match our ambition. Instead of tinkering round the edges, we need to mobilise the public sector around efforts to rebuild our public transport network, provide warm, low-carbon homes and start investing in new jobs to build a future for all.”