
Scottish Government must address care sector concerns

The Scottish Government must address concerns around the care sector as a matter of urgency, according to Scottish Greens Parliamentary Co-Leader Alison Johnstone MSP.

This weekend Dr Donald Macaskill, Chief Executive of Scottish Care, raised serious concerns around the publication of newly issued ethical guidance. Anxieties also continue to be voiced around the provision of personal protective equipment to care workers following the death of a carer in West Dunbartonshire

Alison Johnstone MSP said:

“In recent days we have seen a number of serious concerns emerge around the care sector. The Scottish Government would be wise to heed the warning of Dr Donald Macaskill and urgently review the ethical care guidelines it issued last week. Dr Macaskill is concerned the that the guidance is, “devoid of a robust human rights articulation,” and that “already we have stepped into questionable territory” when it comes to decision making in the coronavirus crisis.

Last week I wrote to the Scottish Government reiterating concerns around the provision of personal protective equipment. The Health Secretary has confirmed that there are sufficient supplies, but it is clear these supplies are not reaching the frontline workers as quickly or in large enough quantities as they should be.

“The Scottish Government owes it to care workers, and our most vulnerable citizens - those receiving care – to provide adequate guidance and protective equipment to keep everyone in our care setting safe.”