
Scotland must reaffirm global climate leadership

Scotland must continue to show global climate leadership, say the Scottish Greens, who have welcomed the First Minister's comments that we have a moral obligation to future generations and must act.

The call came at First Minister’s Questions when Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay emphasised that the Scottish Government’s forthcoming climate plan will be “one of the most important” this Government will ever produce.

Speaking First Minister’s Questions, Gillian Mackay MSP said:

“In recent years Scotland has shown real climate leadership on the global stage.

“I’m proud that the Scottish Government is currently consulting on a position that would see a presumption against exploration for yet more oil and gas in the North Sea while taking real action to build more solar, wind and marine renewables. That action must add up to a plan that delivers on our climate commitments.

“Scotland’s new climate plan will be one of the most important plans this Government will ever produce.”