
Ruskell reveals MSPs opposed to levy hog Holyrood car park

Scottish Greens Environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP has accused Tory, Labour and Lib Dem MSPs of duplicity, claiming their opposition to the devolvolution of workplace parking levy powers to councils was largely borne out of self interest.

Mr Ruskell made the claims after obtaining figures from the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body showing that MSPs from the three parties use the Holyrood car park substantially more than others.

The figures reveal that over a four-week period commencing 7 January 2019, 64 MSPs used the car park at least once.

Over the period 74% of Tory, 61% of Labour, and 60% of Lib Dem MSPs brought their car to parliament.

This compares to 37% of SNP MSPs. No Green MSPs used the car park.

Mark Ruskell MSP said:

“Over a thousand people walk, cycle, get the bus, and train to Holyrood everyday while the majority of Tory, Labour and LibDem MSPs hog the car park. Having access to a free city centre car parking space is a privilege that is unavailable to most hardworking families. Some MSPs need to look beyond their own windscreens and support measures that invest in public transport options for all.”