
Rural Fuel Poverty: Wightman Urges Action

Responding to a new report on rural fuel poverty, Andy Wightman MSP, housing spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, urged Scottish Ministers to "seize the moment" given cross-party consensus on the need for action.

The Action Plan to Deliver Affordable Warmth in Rural Scotland proposed by the Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force says half of Scotland's rural households are living in fuel poverty, rising to 63% in remote areas. The plan calls for public investment and community empowerment.

Andy Wightman MSP said:

"The levels of fuel poverty in rural communities are simply unacceptable. This report shows there are practical measures that could be taken now to make life easier for people who are currently struggling to either keep their homes warm or are being forced to cut back on food and other essentials to pay their fuel bills.

"Energy efficient housing has long been a priority for the Scottish Greens and we succeeded in getting the Scottish Government to agree it as a national infrastructure priority but we've yet to see the funding to match. All parties in the current parliament made election commitments to warm homes, so Ministers must seize the moment and bring forward bold legislation and meaningful funding so we can start to end rural fuel poverty."

Action Plan to Deliver Affordable Warmth in Rural Scotland proposed by the Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force: