
Runaway inflation needs radical action from UK Government

The Scottish Greens have responded to warnings from Citi Bank that inflation could hit 18% in January.

The Scottish Greens economy spokesperson, Maggie Chapman MSP, said: 

With runaway inflation, skyrocketing energy prices and a disastrous Brexit that is hammering our trade, it is clear that the Tories can't be trusted with our economy. They have no new ideas. This is a social emergency and without radical change the human cost will be brutal."

“The Tories are telling us that inflation is being caused by working people wanting the pay rises they are entitled to, yet prices are rising while wages are flatlining. The energy companies are making record profits while their customers are forced to choose between freezing and starving.”

"That is why we are calling on the UK government to reverse the energy cap rise that is doing so much damage, raise the minimum wage to a liveable wage and bring back the £20 Universal Credit uplift that they removed and then double it.”

“Things cannot go on like this. It must not be ordinary people who are made to pay the price for this crisis. It has to be the super-rich who are profiting from it and the fossil fuel giants who have led us here."