
Rise in number of Scots worried about climate crisis is manifesto for change

The latest Scottish Household Survey has shown a record number of Scots view the climate crisis as an urgent and immediate problem.

The growing number of households now viewing the climate crisis as an urgent and immediate problem must be treated as a manifesto for change, say the Scottish Greens. 

The Scottish Household Survey, published today, shows that 83% view climate change as an immediate and urgent problem (up from 80% last year and 68% the year before), illustrating the growing concern. 

Scottish Greens climate spokesperson, Mark Ruskell MSP, said:

“This has to be a manifesto for change. The climate emergency is the biggest issue we will ever face. It’s not just an emergency for this generation, but for every generation that will follow.

“More and more people are recognising the tremendous scale and urgency of the crisis and demanding change. They know tinkering around the edges is not enough. 

“We don’t just need to offset or mitigate our emissions, we need to fundamentally change our society and our economy. Anything less would be a dereliction of our responsibility. 

“With Scottish Greens in the Scottish Government, we are leading the change across the UK  and are fundamentally recasting Scotland’s climate ambitions.

“Scotland has a huge potential and can lead Europe in terms of a just and bold transition away from fossil fuels. That means tackling aviation growth, encouraging people out of cars, halting new oil and gas exploration and investing in the renewable industries of the future.

“There is a generational need for all parties and governments to work positively and constructively together and to take the climate action that is so badly needed.”