
Rise in anti-trans hate crimes fuelled by lies and smears

The rise in reported hate crimes against trans people has been fuelled by vicious lies and smears, say the Scottish Greens.

This comes as new Scottish Government figures show that reported hate crimes against trans people have more than trebled since 2014/15.

The Scottish Greens equalities spokesperson, Maggie Chapman MSP said:

"We should all be angry about the appalling increase in transphobic incidents in Scotland.

"This awful rise must also not be viewed out of context. It has been fuelled by a cynical campaign of vicious lies and smears spread about our trans siblings.

"Much of it has been whipped-up and encouraged by powerful voices, such as those with significant public platforms and those in the UK government who want to distract from their own failings.

"This abusive behaviour must never be normalised. Prejudice and bigotry ruin lives. Behind every one of these crimes is a real person who has been attacked just for being who they are.

“My heart goes out to every single person who has been targeted and abused. I stand in solidarity with them and their friends and allies. This poisonous transphobia has absolutely no place in a modern and progressive Scotland.”