
Reverse Blairvadach Decision: Greer Urges SNP

Green MSP Ross Greer has called on Glasgow City Council’s SNP leader to reverse the decision to close Blairvadach Outdoor Education Centre near Shandon, following the news that a budget deal struck by the Green MSPs has secured Glasgow City Council an extra £10 million of funding.

The residential centre is owned by Glasgow City Council and provides an opportunity for young people from schools and youth groups - many from deprived backgrounds - to experience the outdoors and gives them the opportunity to try sailing, climbing and many other activities. The SNP council leadership proposed it for closure as part of their budget proposal last week, and despite attempts by Green councillors to save the centre, they were unable to secure its future. This followed an attempt last year by Green councillors to inject £1million in additional investment into the centre, which was also rejected by the SNP administration.

This week’s announcement of a Scottish budget deal negotiated by Green MSPs included a £95 million package for councils, of which over £10 million will go to Glasgow City Council. Green Councillors in Glasgow have already called on the leader of the council to commit to using this funding to save Blairvadach, joined by Green MSP for the West of Scotland Ross Greer and Greens’ co-leader Patrick Harvie MSP, who represents Glasgow.

Greer, whose West of Scotland region covers the centre, said:
“Blairvadach is a fantastic and much needed facility. For many young people it is their first real introduction to the outdoors. It’s also a key local employer, and losing jobs in outdoor education could not be more inappropriate when we need to be transitioning to a green economy.

“Reversing cuts to services like Blairvadach is precisely why the Greens fought for extra money for councils, which we have now secured. I know that the Green councillors have put a lot of work into saving the centre, and I’m calling on Susan Aitken to listen to them and immediately take Blairvardach’s closure off the table.”