
Responsibility for named person shambles lies with Swinney 

The Cabinet Secretary for Education doesn’t have far to look far to establish where responsibility lies for the shambles that the government have made of the ‘unquestionably legitimate’ named persons child-protection policy, according to Scottish Greens Education Spokesperson Ross Greer MSP. 

Greer told Mr Swinney this afternoon that Parliament’s Education committee has been completed vindicated in its refusal to proceed with his ‘unsound’ Information Sharing bill in 2017.

Ross Greer MSP said: 

“Responsibility for this disaster lies at John Swinney’s doorstep. The Supreme Court described the principle of Named Person as ‘unquestionably legitimate’ yet the government’s arrogant and incompetent approach has resulted in the shambolic situation we find ourselves in today. Scotland’s most vulnerable children – and those working every day to protect them – have been badly let down by the bungling of this policy.

“The Education Committee’s intense scrutiny of the Information Sharing bill, and our scepticism in the face of the Cabinet Secretary’s bluff and bluster has been completely vindicated. It’s now incumbent on the Scottish Government to reassure all those involved in voluntary Named Persons schemes that they should continue and that the government will provide them with the support they require.”