
Renewables report shows opportunity to create jobs & cut fuel poverty

A joint report by some of the country’s leading environmental charities, showing that Scotland can produce half of its energy across heat, transport and electricity from renewables by 2030, has been welcomed by the Scottish Greens. 
The Energy of Scotland report produced by WWF, Friends of the Earth and RSPB identifies the most cost effective ways to meet Scotland’s climate targets, including an objective of one in three cars, and half of all buses, being electric by 2030.
Mark Ruskell MSP, climate & energy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, said:
“What Scotland has to do to meet its climate targets by 2030 has been clearly set out in this report. The findings are more than achievable, so long as the government shows enough ambition and determination to adopt the recommendations.
“Renewable heat remains one of our biggest unrealised opportunities in terms of creating jobs, tackling fuel poverty and cutting emissions. Countries like Denmark who didn't have access to cheap North Sea Gas in the 70's invested heavily in district heating and are now reaping the rewards. We need to catch up fast.
“Green MSPs will apply constructive pressure to the Scottish Government to achieve these aims, just as we did with the rejection of underground coal gasification last week. This is the time to concentrate our efforts in developing renewables. It was reported that on one windy day this summer, wind turbines covered all of our electricity needs and we already know that Scotland is ‘the undisputed world leader’ in tidal energy.”
Energy of Scotland report :