
Regional Green votes could make all the difference


The Scottish Greens today (18 April) welcomed the latest opinion poll, suggesting a record number of Green MSPs will be elected on 5 May.


Analysis of the BMG poll suggests 8 or 9 Green MSPs compared to 6 Lib Dems. Analysis of the previous three polls (YouGov, Survation, TNS) suggests between 7 and 10 Green MSPs. 


Sarah Beattie-Smith, Elections and Campaigns co-convener for the Scottish Greens and MSP candidate for the South of Scotland, said: 


"The consistent polling we're seeing for the Scottish Greens on the regional vote is welcome but our candidates and teams of campaigners across Scotland know we have a lot of work to do to ensure our message reaches as many voters as possible. We know a better Scotland is possible, and a bigger group of Greens is the best way of bringing fresh thinking and constructive challenge to our parliament.


"Labour have lost their way and the potential influence of the Tories doesn't bear thinking about. If we want a bolder Holyrood that keeps Scotland moving in the right direction, those regional Green votes could make all the difference."