

The Scottish Green Party today welcomed plans to sell land near Portpatrick Harbour to the community for £1 as an example of ‘empowering people to develop the communities they live in and love.”

The Portpatrick Harbour Community Benefit Society has called on the Dumfries and Galloway Council to sell a piece of land, valued approximately at £15,000, to the community. The group, wants to purchase the council owned land in order to further enhance and develop the Portpatrick Harbour area.

Sarah Beattie-Smith, Scottish Green Party spokesperson on Infrastructure and Investment and lead MSP candidate for South of Scotland, said:

“The best way to improve the wellbeing of our communities is by giving them the power and tools to shape their surroundings in a way that best fits them. If they agree to this proposal, Dumfries and Galloway council will give a great example to other local authorities on how to empower and support their communities.

“The Scottish Greens are committed to bringing power back into the hands of local communities, and this project is a very real example of how this can be achieved. Community assets like the Portpatrick Harbour are there  to be cherished and enjoyed, and it’s exciting to see how the local folk in Wigtown will develop it in the years to come.”