

The Scottish Greens are welcoming the latest poll of Scottish Parliament voting intentions, suggesting the party is on course to become the fourth biggest in parliament.

It comes amid a membership surge, with the party now having over 6,000 members compared to just under 2,000 before the referendum vote.

The surge is also being seen on social media. The Scottish Greens' twitter account - @scotgp - now has over 22,400 followers compared to Scottish Labour's 13,000.

Today's Panelbase poll puts support for the Greens on 9 per cent on the Holyrood regional vote, suggesting 9 MSPs, five ahead of the Libdems.

In May's European election the Scottish Greens secured 108,000 votes, coming ahead of the Lib Dems in 21 of Scotland's 32 local authority areas.

Commenting, Scottish Greens co-convenor Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"This poll continues a trend predicting more Green MSPs in 2016. Together with the huge surge in membership we are determined to maintain the momentum built up during the referendum debate, and we look forward to putting forward compelling reasons for voting Green in forthcoming elections.

"There is a real buzz about the party, in our branches across the country, as we prepare for our biggest ever annual conference, in Edinburgh, in just over a week from now."


Scottish Elections blog showing Panelbase poll, 2 October 2014