

As the National Union of Students National Conference takes place in Liverpool (21–23 April) Scottish Greens are highlighting manifesto pledges to invest in education, support students and improve young people's wages.

The Scottish Greens, who are standing in the majority of Scotland's 59 seats, are pledging a £10 minimum wage for all ages by 2020, publicly-owned railways, opposition to TTIP, and more powers for Scotland and local communities.

A youth manifesto produced by the Scottish Young Greens pledges to:

-Allow students who study at UK universities to stay and use their education in Britain by reinstating the post-study work visa.
-Increase the minimum wage for apprentices, which is currently just £3.30 an hour, to a living wage of £7.85 immediately and £10 by 2020.
-Maintain free university tuition in Scotland and end tuition fees in England and Wales.
-Oppose any moves to reduce benefits available to young people under the age of 25.
-Remove the punishing benefit sanctions regime.
-Abolish the Bedroom Tax and Workfare.

Membership of the Scottish Greens has surged to almost 9,000. The Scottish Young Greens - aged 16 to 30 - now number over 3,000.

Zara Kitson, Scottish Green MP candidate in Glasgow North and a member of the Scottish Young Greens, said:

"Education is one of the most important public goods – access should not be based on ability to pay. By electing Scottish Green MPs we can help colleagues south of the border win the argument for free university tuition, and we can help those from abroad who choose to study in Scotland stay in Scotland for work.

"We also strongly support vocational learning, and want to see the minimum wage for apprentices raised from the current paltry £3.30 an hour to a living wage and for that to rise to £10 an hour by 2020. Let's also support our colleges and universities as they invest in research and innovation to create new jobs and businesses for my generation and those who follow."


Scottish Young Greens 2015 Manifesto