
Other opposition parties at Holyrood ignoring need for sustainable jobs

Patrick Harvie MSP, Economy spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today (14 June) accused the other opposition parties at Holyrood of ignoring the need to invest in sustainable jobs, as they attempted to turn a debate on the economy into one on the constitution.

The Green amendment to the government's motion highlighted the Scottish economy's over-dependence on oil and gas, the need for well-paid work in low-carbon industries and redistribution of wealth.

The other opposition parties' amendments talked about independence.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"In a debate about Scotland’s economy, all other parties are ignoring the urgent need for a transition toward sustainable industries which can generate high quality jobs that will last for the long term. Greens have made more of an effort than most, with our work on Jobs in the New Economy showing that there’s far more to gain than to lose as we move away from fossil fuels, but only if we invest in making this change now.

"It’s no surprise that the pro-UK parties are once again shouting about independence while demanding that nobody talks about independence. The reality is that it’s the UK Government and its hard Brexit agenda that poses the greatest economic threat and the greatest political instability. Its behind-closed-doors deal with the extremists of the DUP only makes that worse.

"Theresa May went to the electorate to seek a mandate for her approach to Brexit, and the people throughout the UK denied her that mandate. It’s vital now that her government changes course. The ball is in their court, if they expect Scotland to respond differently."


The Green amendment:
Leave out from "economic fundamentals" to end and insert "economy must serve the needs of citizens now and in the future by respecting the limited resources of the planet; notes Scotland’s continued overdependence on the fossil fuel industry and considers that this is a source of significant vulnerability; considers that the GDP growth of an economy is a poor indicator of the wellbeing of its citizens or the health of the ecosystem that sustains them; urges the Scottish Government to build on the steps that it has taken with the National Performance Framework and develop a comprehensive approach to measuring meaningful economic progress instead of continuing to place undue emphasis on GDP growth, and considers that economic development must focus on creating well-paid work, building local economies, ensuring fair redistribution of wealth, and developing low-carbon industries as a replacement for, rather than an addition to, the role of fossil fuels in Scotland’s economy."