
One year on from the Bute House Agreement

This time last year our co-leders, Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater, joined the First Minister in Bute House to present the draft co-operation agreement between the Scottish Greens and the Scottish Government. It was a historic moment for our Party and our movement: and an agreement which party members overwhelmingly endorsed at our EGM a few days later.

With Greens in government we’re not just talking about change, we are delivering it. That is why today we have published a report highlighting how much has been achieved in the first year of the “Bute House Agreement”.

We are building a fairer Scotland with free bus travel for everyone under 22, doubling of the Scottish Child Payment, expanding help to tackle fuel poverty, the biggest investment in new teachers for a generation, proper reform of trans healthcare, and setting out our reforms on new rights for tenants, including rent controls.

We are building a Greener Scotland with record funding for recycling, wildlife, nature restoration, and record funding for walking, wheeling and cycling. We have banned many of the worst single-use plastics, committed to the end of new incineration licences and are introducing a world-leading deposit return scheme for bottles and cans.

With plans for a referendum next October, we are building an independent Scotland. With the powers of independence we can do even more for people and the planet.