

Scottish Greens are criticising proposed general election coverage guidance to commercial broadcasters from industry regulator Ofcom.

The proposals continue the exclusion of the Greens from the list of major parties but do include Ukip as a major party in England and Wales but not Scotland, despite UK broadcasts being received in Scotland.

ITV proposes a General Election debate featuring the Conservatives, Labour, Libdems and Ukip but not the Greens, despite public opinion and petitions in support.

STV has said it will stage a debate featuring "relevant" party leaders but has yet to confirm details.

Patrick Harvie MSP, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, said:

"Ofcom's proposal, which would lead to further elevation of Ukip in UK-wide TV coverage while excluding the Greens, would undoubtedly skew the range of voices Scottish voters hear.

"It's clear we're heading for an election like no other, with a huge public appetite for a wider range of views and a changed political landscape in Scotland. The electorate here is more engaged than ever; Ofcom's ill-considered proposal wouldn't reflect this on our screens.

"Greens across the UK are enjoying a membership surge, are regularly outpolling the Libdems and we will continue to make the case for inclusion in set piece TV debates and wider media coverage, both at UK level and here in Scotland."


Ofcom consultation on ‘major parties’

ICM poll shows most respondents across political spectrum support involvement of Greens in televised election debates