
MSP Blasts “shocking treatment of workers” at UWS Café

Green MSP Ross Greer has proposed a motion to Parliament calling on the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) to reverse a decision not to furlough 16 students working in their café.

The workers are on zero hour contracts- meaning that they have no income while the café remains closed, and as students do not qualify for Universal Credit. Should UWS furlough the workers, they would receive 80% of their average monthly wages through the Government’s Job Retention Scheme. The Department for Work and Pensions had advised the students to request that the university furlough them, which UWS management have refused to do.

Ross Greer, Green MSP for the West of Scotland, commented:
“This is a shocking way to treat a group of workers who rely on their income from the café to support themselves. UWS had an easy way to use Government support to help their staff at no cost to themselves, but they’ve inexplicably refused to do so.”

“While UWS claim there are hardship funds available, they are not comparable to the 80% salary cover through the furlough scheme. These workers should be able to receive the support they’re automatically entitled to, not be forced to go through the extra stress of applying for a fund where there’s no guarantee they’ll get what they need.”


Motion Number: S5M-21490
Lodged By: Ross Greer
Date Lodged: 20/04/2020

Title: UWS Café Staff

Motion Text:
That the Parliament notes with concern the decision taken by the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) not to furlough 16 café staff who are on zero-hour contracts; understands that these workers are students who have no access to universal credit and therefore rely on the income from their work at the café to support themselves through their studies; considers that the university’s offer of support through hardship funds is unacceptable and a wholly inadequate alternative to the safety net offered through the furlough scheme; understands that the Department for Work and Pensions has advised the students to request that the university place them on furlough, and demands that management at UWS reverse its decision immediately.