
Mark Ruskell welcomes NHS report on health impact of Mossmorran

Mossmorran flaring

Mossmorran gas plant in Fife has had a direct impact on the health of nearby residents, a new NHS report has found.

Responding to the NHS Fife 'Report on the Health Impacts of Flaring at Mossmorran and Historical Cancer Incidence', Scottish Green MSP Mark Ruskell said: “This report is very welcome, and is the first sign anyone has taken people’s health concerns seriously.

"It clearly states that flaring at the plant is causing significant physical and psychological disturbance to local residents, impacting on their health, sleep patterns and anxiety levels.

"Everyone has the right to live a peaceful existence in their own home, but this is something local residents in Cowdenbeath, Lochgelly, and surrounding villages have been denied for some time now.

"This report should be the starting point for a full, independent investigation into the health and social impacts of Mossmorran – one which not only makes recommendations for reducing the impacts of the plant, but also looks at compensation for those people whose lives have been disrupted in recent years”

Read the report here.