Lynne McNicoll nominated as a Local Hero by Alison Johnstone
For working to improve the lives of others, selflessly and diligently over several years, Lynne McNicoll OBE was nominated as a Local Hero by Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian.
Last month, all 129 MSPs were invited to nominate a constituent who makes a positive difference in their community as their Local Hero.
On Saturday (2 July), all Local Heroes came to Holyrood as part of the Scottish Parliament’s Opening Ceremony events to mark the start of a new parliamentary session.
Alison said:
“I am privileged to know Lynne McNicoll, who raised so much money for young cancer patients that she fully funded a TCT ward in Edinburgh’s Sick Kids Hospital with a donation of £250,000, and partly funded a TCT ward in Edinburgh’s Western General with a donation of £400k. In 2010, Lynne set up her own charity, It’s Good 2 Give - a volunteer led charity – to provide practical support to young cancer patients and their families on a day to day basis.
“Lynne is now working on an exciting new project – the It’s Good 2 Give Ripple Retreat, being constructed on donated land, and designed by Tony Kettle (who also designed the Falkirk Wheel), with the intention of providing families of young cancer patients in Scotland with a place they will be able to go for a short break.
“What makes this all so astonishing is that Lynne isn’t a professional fundraiser. Working on a voluntary basis, she is motivated entirely by a desire to help others. Incredibly passionate about the cause to which she gives so much time and energy, Lynne is down to earth, warm and engaging.
“The young cancer patients Lynne works for have benefited so much from the work of this unassuming individual, and I was delighted to see Lynne’s efforts recognised with the award of an OBE in the Queen’s birthday honours of 2015.
“Lynne’s work is worthy of the highest recognition, and I am very pleased and proud to have nominated her as my Local Hero.”