

Scottish Green MSP Patrick Harvie is calling on the Scottish Government and Fife Council to develop a plan to create secure jobs to compensate for the inevitable closure of the Longannet coal power station in Fife, instead of pretending to workers that this reality can be ignored.

During today's session of Holyrood's Economy and Energy Committee, Mr Harvie questioned senior figures from National Grid and Scottish Power. They confirmed that due to the pollution it generates, alongside carbon pricing and transmission costs, Longannet will have to close regardless of any possible temporary stay of execution. National Grid also confirmed that due to grid upgrades and increasing renewable energy capacity Longannet will not be needed for security of supply.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"The responsible approach to the Longannet situation is to come up with a plan for jobs so that workers at the plant and the wider economy can have a secure future once fossil fuel power generation is ended. It is clear that renewables and grid upgrades are making progress, so the security of supply argument falls apart.

"While others are pointing the finger of blame I believe we must focus on developing a jobs plan, involving employees and local communities and looking towards clean technology, energy efficiency and other sectors. Avoiding doing so is simply irresponsible."

Longannet is one of the most polluting power stations in Europe (BBC)

Green amendment to last month's energy debate called for "focus on a just transition for workers". SNP, Conservative and Libdem MSPs voted against; Labour MSPs abstained