
Loch Lomond: Flamingo Land Application Withdrawn

Responding to reports that Flamingo Land have withdrawn their planning application to develop land at Loch Lomond, West Scotland Green MSP Ross Greer said:

“Flamingo Land’s environmentally destructive proposal was the most unpopular planning application in Scottish history. More than 57,000 people objected including many in the local community who saw through the spin. Now, following our historic campaign and the National Park's own planning officers recommending a rejection, the developers have, for now, withdrawn their ridiculous plans.

"This is likely a transparent attempt to resubmit with a few small changes, cancelling the near sixty thousand objections lodged to the current proposals. If they think such a cynical ploy will stop our community campaign, they have another thing coming. We will not stop until we have saved Loch Lomond from Flamingo Land's greed. The ball is now in Scottish Enterprise's court. They must cancel the exclusivity agreement with Flamingo Land for sale of the land and give the community a chance to present an alternative.

"It is truly bizarre to see a letter from Flamingo Land's lawyers, essentially labelling thousands of members of the public stupid for having quoted the developer's own Environmental Impact Assessment in their objections. If Flamingo Land don't like what's being said, they shouldn't have proposed such environmentally destructive plans for our world famous national park in the first place."

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